Phone Number Scoring

Augmented phone numbers are assigned a "confidence" score based upon an algorithm which determines the likelihood the phone number's accuracy. This is based on a number of factors including multiple matches from various public sources, verification date, and source quality.

 (FSBO -Very High) - the Blue dot will only be available on FSBO listings and signifies the number was extracted directly from the advertisment.

 (Very High) - our algorithm has successfully matched the source with public records and returned a recently verified phone number.

 (High) - our algorithm has successfully matched the source with public records, but has found some inconstancy or the number has not been verified recently.

 (Low) - our algorithm has matched the number to this record, but the number has not been recently verified. Additionally, we are most likely seeing other instances of this match which do not match.

 (Very Low) - the system can match this number with the address, but it no longer appears to be associated and is most likely a historical record which will no longer match to the intended recipient.